
I have collated below a list of articles and books I have read, that I reference and use in my learning and teaching.



Silence Your Mind

Impact of Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama on the Topographic Mapping of the Brain Waves

What is Mindfulness

The Benefits of Savasana

Yoga for the Brain

This is Your Brain on Yoga


How to Release ‘Emotional Baggage’ and the Tension That Goes with It

Can Trauma be Stored in the Body?

Somatic Experiencing for PTSD

Seratonin 2A Receptors are a Stress Response


How Cortisol Affects the Immune System

Stress, Cortisol and the Immune System: What Makes us get sick?

How Stress affects the brain?

Cortisol — Its Role in Stress, Inflammation, and Indications for Diet Therapy

How to stop an amygdala hijack

Your Innate Asset for Combating Stress

Chimp Management - Stress Response

The Chimp Model

Hormesis: The Stress that Makes you Physically and Mentally Stronger


Depression not caused by low seratonin levels

Science of The Heart

Swimming in Cold Water has Done Wonders for my Stress

Connection between Inflammation and Stress


Cortisol and Immunity

Lymphatic System

How Stress Affects the Immune System

The Role of Inflammation in CNS and Disease

Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System

Fear and Anxiety

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Anxiety

It’s Not Just In Your Head: How Your Anxiety Might Be Affecting You Physically

Take a Deep Breath: No, really, it will calm your brain

Four Things To Remember Next Time You’re Spiralling

How to Stop Anxiety Pain and Cramps

What is Gaba?

Neurotransmitters Explained

The Polyvagal Theory

Mapping the serotonin driven anxiety circuits

Complex and Hidden Brain in Gut

Using the Social Engagement System

A different take on anxiety and fear

The Anxiety Equation

How to Rewire your Anxious Brain

Why People With Low Self Esteem Experience Anxiety

How to Release Resistance and Attract Everything You Want

Clearing Deep Fear